Wednesday, May 18, 2011

*patting myself on the back*

Almost year ago on June 7th, a friend took a picture of me that I hated and launched a revolution!

I had my son early, I was 21 and my body bounced back pretty quickly. I had my daughter when I was 35, it was a difficult/complicated pregnancy, a very ripped apart delivery and I spent 2 years nursing her. At 37, my body was wrecked LOL, seriously. After I stopped nursing, I quickly lost 10-15 pounds, but I wasn’t happy with my shape. My energy was pretty low and my motivation was zero, until I saw that picture.

Since then, I have committed to making exercise a part of my life. It wasn’t about loosing weight, it was about regaining control and strength. Three weeks early, I have reached a pretty big milestone. In the past 11 months, I have walked 500 miles (805 kilometers)! That’s more 1.3 million additional steps, about an average of 12 miles per week. Now, I walk, run, do core and strength training at least 4 times per week. I make time for it, it gives me perspective and burns some of my restless energy better than yoga…its good stuff.

So today, I am celebrating! To my health …cheers :)


  1. Temos algo em comum: também tive um parto complicado. Antes praticava atletismo (3 500 metros), depois o tempo foi passando e tive tumor de ovário. Agora não dispenso uma boa caminhada diária de pelo menos 45 minutos. Trabalho demais, mas é fundamental o exercício físico...

    We have something in common: I also had a complicated delivery. Before practicing athletics (3500 meters), then time went by and I had ovarian cancer. Now do not dismiss a good daily walk of at least 45 minutes. Too much work, but exercise is key ...

  2. para a sua saúde também! abraços
