Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pledge of Resistance

by Saul Williams

We believe that as people living
in the United States it is our
responsibility to resist the injustices
done by our government,
in our names.

Not in our name
will you wage endless war
there can be no more deaths
no more transfusions
of blood for oil.

Not in our name
will you invade countries
bomb civilians, kill more children
letting history take its course
over the graves of the nameless.

Not in our name
will you erode the very freedoms
you have claimed to fight for.

Not by our hands
will we supply weapons and funding
for the annihilation of families
on foreign soil.

Not by our mouths
will we let fear silence us.

Not by our hearts
will we allow whole peoples
or countries to be deemed evil.

Not by our will
and Not in our name.


We pledge alliance with those
who have come under attack
for voicing opposition to the war
or for their religion or ethnicity.

We pledge to make common cause
with the people of the world
to bring about justice,
freedom and peace.

Another world is possible
and we pledge to make it real.

Monday, October 24, 2011

sacred spiral

find your center
find your center
find your center

find the words
to unfold
without boundaries.

find the space
to exist
without criticism.

tune out the noise
move away from the disconnected
abandon the unloving.

embrace all that moves you
be drawn in to the movement
vibe with the vibration.

find your center


speak percussion

find the rhthym
that fills your isolation.

find the beauty 
that soothes you.

bleed into the design.

allow yourself to spiral into your core
at the speed of your own cadence.

celebrate what you are
forgive what you are not.

find your center
find your center
find your center

Friday, October 21, 2011

life on paper

Its been a crazy month or so, I don’t even know where to begin. I’ve had two “break-ups”, one with Inara’s nursery school and another with a client. Both relationships were wearing me down, stressing me out and going against my grain. Both had positive aspects, but they just didn’t outweigh the negative and I decided, rather impulsively, to end both. It all felt sort of manic actually, so I have been waiting for the reality to set in that I made a bad decision...but two/three weeks in and both still feel like reasonable decisions. 

I am still struggling with the whole ‘stay at home’ mom role. I can easily identify my fear of reliance on a man, my fear of not being able to legitimize my professional and intellectual abilities, my fear of becoming obsolete in the professional world...its so tricky. I am 100% positive my presence and time with Inara is the most important use of my time and focus, but I have been so conditioned to weigh my worth on the sum of my professional abilities. My professional career and consequently, my financial independence has been a source of pride in me. Pride I understand to be superficial, pride that separates me, pride that I need to overcome. But as I’ve mentioned before, its has so defined me, that I cling to it, unable to imagine worth without it. 

The OCCUPY movement has become a big factor in our lives. We have been active at Freedom Plaza in DC, not sleeping there, but coming down on the weekends, participating, donating, supporting. I am so full of hope. Hope I haven’t felt in over a decade. I am channeling all my frustration into supporting the movement that I honestly believe can change the world if we direct ourselves appropriately. There is an awakening happening and I have been waiting for it for so long...I had lost faith that it might actually happen on a large scale...and now it is manifesting in intelligent, strong minded, focused people! There are many challenges, but I feel a shift coming all around me and it is uplifting.

We adopted a cat... Two years ago, my wonderful 15 year old cat, kisapele, passed away from a tumor. Since then, I had convinced myself that I would never commit to more animals (we have a dog and a canary). But things play out funny sometimes. My son volunteers at the animal shelter. Everyone but me wanted a cat. I said, never, unless it was siamese (I grew up with a siamese) and only if we adopted. Literally, one day later, a siamese mix came into the shelter. She is beautiful and quirky and a welcome addition to our strange brew. Her name is Neela Shanti (blue peace) for her big blue eyes.

So pretty much, life is good. Fall is creeping in and I feel grounded like the leaves, prepping to decompose into the earth of understanding.

~peace, love & light~